
Wednesday 1 June 2016

Functions of the heart

The main function of the heart is to pump blood through the body. Also to provide oxygen rich blood required to live. The heart is made up of four different blood filled areas or chambers. There are two chambers on the top are the left and right atrium. The ones at the bottom are left and right ventricles.

The de oxygenated blood enters the heart through the right atrium. It then flows into the right venricle and gets pumped to the lungs. Where it gets oxygentated again.

Parts of the heart

Vena Cava - carries de oxygenated blood from the body to the heart. Semilunar Valve - Flaps that prevent backflow of left Atrium - recives oxygenated blood from the lungs.

Left ventricle - region of the heart that pumps blood to the body.

Pulmonary Artery - carries blood to the lungs.

Right ventricle - region of the heart that pumps blood to the lungs.

Pulmonary vein - carries blood from the lungs.

Right Vein - segment of the heart that receives deoxygenated blood.

Aorta - The main artery carrying blood to all parts of the body.


Unknown said...

Hi Memory.

I like your layout and sequence of your sentences and I like how you formatted it.

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